# Testing with HTTPretty HTTPretty is a Python mocking tool. It allows for easier testing by providing several useful features, the most important of which is faking external API data for testing. This is an important feature for testing, since all tests would break down if the API data changed. This problem of data contstantly changing or servers going down is solved by using mocking. A good explanation of what mocking is can be found here on StackOverflow. ## Why test Perceval? For more information on Perceval’s underlying structure and functionality, please check the perceval-backends page. Like any other software, testing Perceval is imperative to its development. Testing is done with the help of unittest and HTTPretty. Perceval comes into the picture when fetching data from various data sources is required. Data sources range from pipermail email archives to the GitHub API. Testing makes it easier to add new functionality or improve what already exists since tests provide something to fall back on. Tests let you know how individual parts of the program work and thus makes the code more reliable. As mentioned above, when it comes to testing the functionality that depends on APIs, mocking is a strong preference. For example, while testing the data fetched by Perceval for a repository, say, the number of comments on an issue, testing would be quite difficult and the tests would have to be updated regularly to keep up with the changing data. HTTPretty allows “faking” an API by making mock data available at the path from which Perceval fetches data. Thus, Perceval “fetches” the mock data, which we can test against the data we actually asked HTTPretty to send to the required path. ## A simple example The following script depicts a very simple use case of HTTPretty. ```py import requests import httpretty httpretty.enable() # Using the register_uri function, set method to GET, # set the uri as shown below, the status to 200 # and the body to HTTPretty. httpretty.register_uri( method=httpretty.GET, uri='https://www.example.com', status=200, body="HTTPretty" ) response = requests.get('https://www.example.com') # fetch the info at uri httpretty.disable() # following code is not affected by the httpretty session httpretty.reset() # reset state by removing the uri and history print(response.text) ``` ``` $ python3 main.py 'HTTPretty' ``` ## Using HTTPretty in Perceval testing To make it easier to understand, consider the GitHub backend of Perceval. One of the different categories of data Perceval fetches from the GitHub API is to fetch reviews from pull requests. For the pull request located at [/repos///pulls/](https://api.github.com/repos/chaoss/wg-evolution/pulls/12), its reviews can be found at [/repos///pulls//reviews](https://api.github.com/repos/chaoss/wg-evolution/pulls/12/reviews). A possible test for this is mentioned below. It is heavily commented for easier explanation. The `httpretty.activate` decorator at the top effectively shortens the code, since — among other things — it performs the following: - enables the httpretty instance - deactivates it at the end - resets it The it effectively performs the task of `enable()`, `deactivate()` and `reset()`. ```py @httpretty.activate def test_pull_reviews(self): """Test pull reviews API call""" # - The mock data we want Perceval to fetch is placed in files like # github_request_pull_request_1_reviews below. # - read_file is a utility function to read files present in a # a particular directory. pull_request_reviews = read_file('data/github/github_request_pull_request_1_reviews') # The API rate limit is read in the same way. rate_limit = read_file('data/github/rate_limit') # - The httpretty.register_uri method # here is used with the uri: https://api.github.com/rate_limit # - The body is the file read above. # - forcing_headers allow setting of forced headers on the response. httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, GITHUB_RATE_LIMIT, body=rate_limit, status=200, forcing_headers={ 'X-RateLimit-Remaining': '20', 'X-RateLimit-Reset': '15' }) # - Just as was done above, the uri: https://api.github.com/repos/ # zhquan_example/repo/pulls/1/reviews httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_1_REVIEWS, body=pull_request_reviews, status=200, forcing_headers={ 'X-RateLimit-Remaining': '20', 'X-RateLimit-Reset': '15' }) # Create a client object with the owner, repo name and tokens required client = GitHubClient("zhquan_example", "repo", ["aaa"]) # A simple assertion to compare the mock data in the file # we read at the start and the reviews of the first pull request # Perceval fetched from the mock data. pull_reviews_raw = [rev for rev in client.pull_reviews(1)] self.assertEqual(pull_reviews_raw[0], pull_request_reviews) ``` ## Combining HTTPretty with mock attributes HTTPretty can also be used along with unittest.mock. A good option is to use the `unittest.mock.patch()` decorator. The object passed to `patch()` is mocked but once the function is executed, it is returned to its original state, without having to manually deactivate it. The line `@unittest.mock.patch('perceval.backends.core.slack.datetime_utcnow')` creates a mock for the `slack.datetime_utcnow` object. The snippet below is a part of the `test_fetch` function which tests the methods fetching slack messages. The following uses both HTTPretty and `unittest.mock.patch`. The method `setup_http_server()` called below uses HTTPretty and is defined [here](https://github.com/chaoss/grimoirelab-perceval/blob/5f6e7b65a3ef85d738f156a63b3d4f22d36ab8ae/tests/test_slack.py#L56). It is has a function nested inside it, which is passed as a `Response` object to `httpretty.register_uri()`. With the `setup_http_server` function, `http_requests`, variable which stores the value returned by `setup_http_server` is populated with all previous `HTTPrettyRequest` objects. The documentation can be found [here](https://httpretty.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#httprettyrequest). ```py @httpretty.activate @unittest.mock.patch('perceval.backends.core.slack.datetime_utcnow') def test_fetch(self, mock_utcnow): """Test if it fetches a list of messages""" mock_utcnow.return_value = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc()) # With the setup_http_server function, http_requests is populated with # all previous HTTPrettyRequest objects. The documentation can be found # here: https://httpretty.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#httprettyrequest http_requests = setup_http_server() # create a Slack object with the mentioned parameters and # fetch the messages slack = Slack('C011DUKE8', 'aaaa', max_items=5) messages = [msg for msg in slack.fetch(from_date=None)] # the known results which will be compared with what Perceval fetches expected = [ ("<@U0003|dizquierdo> commented on <@U0002|acs> file>: Thanks.", 'cc2338c23bf5293308d596629c598cd5ec37d14b', 1486999900.000000, 'dizquierdo@example.com', 'test channel'), ("There are no events this week.", 'b48fd01f4e010597091b7e44cecfb6074f56a1a6', 1486969200.000136, 'B0001', 'test channel'), ("<@U0003|dizquierdo> has joined the channel", 'bb95a1facf7d61baaf57322f3d6b6d2d45af8aeb', 1427799888.0, 'dizquierdo@example.com', 'test channel'), ("tengo el m\u00f3vil", 'f8668de6fadeb5730e0a80d4c8e5d3f8d175f4d5', 1427135890.000071, 'jsmanrique@example.com', 'test channel'), ("hey acs", '29c2942a704c4e0b067daeb76edb2f826376cecf', 1427135835.000070, 'jsmanrique@example.com', 'test channel'), ("¿vale?", '757e88ea008db0fff739dd261179219aedb84a95', 1427135740.000069, 'acs@example.com', 'test channel'), ("jsmanrique: tenemos que dar m\u00e9tricas super chulas", 'e92555381bc431a53c0b594fc118850eafd6e212', 1427135733.000068, 'acs@example.com', 'test channel'), ("hi!", 'b92892e7b65add0e83d0839de20b2375a42014e8', 1427135689.000067, 'jsmanrique@example.com', 'test channel'), ("hi!", 'e59d9ca0d9a2ba1c747dc60a0904edd22d69e20e', 1427135634.000066, 'acs@example.com', 'test channel') ] # The testing is below self.assertEqual(len(messages), len(expected)) for x in range(len(messages)): message = messages[x] expc = expected[x] self.assertEqual(message['data']['text'], expc[0]) self.assertEqual(message['uuid'], expc[1]) self.assertEqual(message['origin'], 'https://slack.com/C011DUKE8') self.assertEqual(message['updated_on'], expc[2]) self.assertEqual(message['category'], 'message') self.assertEqual(message['tag'], 'https://slack.com/C011DUKE8') # The second message was sent by a bot if x == 1: self.assertEqual(message['data']['bot_id'], expc[3]) else: self.assertEqual(message['data']['user_data']['profile']['email'], expc[3]) self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['name'], expc[4]) self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['num_members'], 164) .. .. . ``` Once we are done with this, we move on to comparing the requests within the same function we discussed above: `test_fetch`. This part involves using the variable `http_request` we populated above. Since our expected values, stored in expected below, are in the form of Python dictionaries, we make use of the `querystring` attribute of `HTTPrettyRequest` objects. ```py expected = [ { 'channel': ['C011DUKE8'], 'token': ['aaaa'] }, { 'channel': ['C011DUKE8'], 'token': ['aaaa'] }, { 'channel': ['C011DUKE8'], 'token': ['aaaa'], 'cursor': ['dXNlcl9pZDpVNEMwUTZGQTc='] }, { 'channel': ['C011DUKE8'], 'oldest': ['0'], 'latest': ['1483228800.0'], 'token': ['aaaa'], 'count': ['5'] }, { 'user': ['U0003'], 'token': ['aaaa'] }, { 'user': ['U0002'], 'token': ['aaaa'] }, { 'user': ['U0001'], 'token': ['aaaa'] }, { 'channel': ['C011DUKE8'], 'oldest': ['0'], 'latest': ['1427135733.000068'], 'token': ['aaaa'], 'count': ['5'] } ] self.assertEqual(len(http_requests), len(expected)) for i in range(len(expected)): # - As mentioned above, http_requests is a list of # HTTPrettyRequest objects. # - HTTPretty allows the user to fetch the response body in the # form of a dictionary by using the `querystring` attribute, as # shown below. self.assertDictEqual(http_requests[i].querystring, expected[i]) ``` Thus, HTTPretty is a very handy tool when it comes to testing code, especially when there are interactions with an API. HTTPretty is an important part of Perceval testing as discussed above.